& STOs

Want to get the word out about Education Savings Accounts in your state?
Curious how to educate families about Tuition-Tax Credits?

We can help.

Education Savings Accounts

ESAs are growing in states like Arizona, West Virginia, Idaho and beyond! These programs offer brighter futures for our students, and we know how to overcome the unique hurdles of reaching families who can benefit from these programs. We want to get your curriculum, product, or program in front of the right parents and educators. First Day has worked extensively in Arizona promotion of the Empowerment Scholarship Account program and we know how to connect with parents, vendors, and the state to get your message out. We apply knowledge, experience, and creativity to help you get to your customers, fast!

Tuition Tax Credit Scholarships

Tax credit scholarships are an excellent way for families to afford private education, but how can you increase your donor base? How can you educate corporations and individuals about your school tuition organization? First Day knows how to navigate the complexities of these programs. We’ll help you communicate the who, what, and why of tax credit scholarships so you can do the important work – getting funds into the hands of families who need them.